Adult & Teen Challenge vs. Prison: Spiritual Recovery


According to a SAMHSA report from 2022, approximately 17.8 million adults had an alcohol use disorder. Meanwhile, another 7 million adults had an illicit drug use disorder. In total, roughly 24.8 million adults struggled with both disorders. These are sobering statistics, to say the least. Yet, only about 2.8 million of those adults participated in a recovery or rehabilitation program. Below, we highlight the unique approach of the Adult & Teen Challenge and emphasize the often overlooked spiritual component in recovery.

What Adult And Teen Challenge Offers

Adult & Teen Challenge is a Christ-centered residential recovery program. Mentors offer guidance and support as participants journey towards sobriety. Instructors impart biblical principles that are foundational to a Christ-centered identity, aiming to help participants identify and rectify the dysfunctional thought patterns that led to their past self-destructive behavior.

Participants not only learn how to break the cycle of generational dysfunction but also establish new, constructive habits. They’re equipped with the skills to apply biblical principles in real-world situations. Group therapy emphasizes building strong interpersonal relationships. Participants also receive guidance from personal mentors as they craft their reintegration strategy into society. With the program’s support, lifelong sobriety becomes an achievable goal.

Adult & Teen Challenge Versus Prison: Spiritual Reformation, Not Incarceration

In a 2022 Virginian public policy poll, 65% of respondents advocated for treatment over incarceration for those grappling with addictive disorders. The consensus leans more than ever towards therapeutic interventions for both heroin users and prescription drug abusers.

Virginians are evidently more inclined towards a rehabilitative approach. This perspective is further reinforced by the rising costs of incarceration. According to the Virginia Department Of Corrections, it cost Virginians approximately $31,500 to house an inmate in 2022, marking a 5.1% increase from the previous year. Despite the escalating expenses, there’s limited evidence to suggest that incarceration benefits those battling substance abuse disorders.

Adult & Teen Challenge Is The Solution To Our Modern Crisis

Amidst the intensifying opioid crisis in America, the voices of Virginians resoundingly favor treatment. Adult & Teen Challenge responds to this call to action.

Boasting a success rate of approximately 73%, the program outperforms many secular treatment alternatives. There exists hope even in the bleakest of times. Contact us today to discover how we can assist in this transformative journey.

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