Unmerited Favor: Edgar’s Transformation with Shenandoah Valley Adult Teen Challenge after 13 Years


edgarbeforeHi, my name is Edgar. I am currently 56 years old. I was born and raised in Hoboken, NJ. Because of learned behavior and poor choices, I started consuming heroin at an early age. Heroin took my wife and children, my goals and dreams, but the most detrimental was that I was completely separated from God.

After trying N/A and 26 detoxes and 6 inpatient programs, nothing worked. I finally wound up in state prison. I had become an angry and bitter man; I was hopeless with no purpose in life until one day I was asked by my oldest brother and sister-in-law if I was interested in a faith-based program called SVTC in VA.

At that moment, I believed that the Holy Spirit invaded my heart, and I accepted their offer. In one week, I was off to the SVTC induction center in VA, where I was picked up at the train station by Pastor John and Pastor Justin, and I was greeted and welcomed with a hug, and immediately I felt some sort of hope.


After successfully completing my stay at SVTC, I was transferred to God’s Mountain in Rehrersburg, PA, where I did 11 months and graduated successfully. I then was offered a 6-month internship and then a 6-month apprenticeship. After completing both, I was hired by HR as the Disciplinarian & Intake Manager, overseeing 350 men. By no means am I boasting, just giving Christ all the glory! It’s not about the position; it’s about the condition… The condition of your heart. It still blows my mind what God can do in someone’s life. There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem. I realize today that there is something far greater than heroin, depression, or addiction! And that, my friends, is the Blood of Jesus Christ. Today, my identity is in Christ and Christ alone. All glory be to God.


Edgar’s journey reminds us that hope and transformation are within reach through faith and community support. Your contribution to Shenandoah Valley Adult Teen Challenge can ignite similar changes in many others. Join us in this vital mission. Every donation, no matter the size, helps break the chains of addiction and brings someone closer to a life of purpose and faith in Christ. Act now and become a part of someone’s story of redemption and renewal. Give today and invest in life change.

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