Building Hope and Comfort at the Men’s Center

Hey there, friends and family of Adult Teen Challenge!

 We’ve got big plans to spruce up our Men’s Residential Center, and we could really use your help to make it happen.

Here’s What We’re Dreaming About:

We’re looking to raise funds for a few improvements

  1. Classroom Makeover – $650: Picture this: a classroom with brand new tables, a shiny whiteboard, and all sorts of handy teaching tools. We want to create a space that’s not just about learning, but also about inspiration and growth.
  1. A Cozier, More Welcoming Space – $350: We’re thinking comfy, inviting, and just like home. A few tweaks here and there can really lift the spirits of everyone who walks through our doors.

  2. Flooring That Wows – $5,500:
    • Classroom and Dorms Getting New Carpet – $3,000: We’re talking about a fresh, clean look that feels good underfoot.
    • Dining Hall and Kitchen Shifting to Hard Flooring – $2,500: Imagine a space that’s not just easy on the eyes but also super easy to keep clean.

How Can You Chip In?

Any contribution, big or small, would mean the world to us:

    1. Make a Donation: Every penny counts! By clicking on the donation link below, you can contribute any amount towards our goals. Your financial support will go a long way in revitalizing our spaces.

Your support is a game-changer. It’s about providing a space that doesn’t just meet basic needs but actually helps lift our guys’ spirits and supports their journey of recovery and faith.

Thank you for being part of this community and for considering our request. Together, we’re not just changing a building; we’re changing lives.

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