Cultivating Courage: The Power to Overcome Addiction and Build a New Life

We are thrilled to launch a special series titled “Foundations of Faith: Cultivating Character in Recovery”.


As participants in the Shenandoah Valley Adult Teen Challenge residential program, we are dedicated to cultivating a set of character qualities that are essential for building a new life.

In our mission to support individuals in the Shenandoah Valley in overcoming addiction, we place great emphasis on recognizing the significance of character traits like courage, which deeply impact the recovery process.

Inspiration Behind the Series

This series, “Foundations of Faith: Cultivating Character in Recovery,” draws inspiration from the Character Qualities Class created by Adult Teen Challenge USA. These lessons go beyond just the actions we take—they’re about shaping who we are. God doesn’t only work through the things we do; He’s deeply interested in the people we’re becoming.

But what exactly is courage? It’s not about never experiencing fear. It’s about doing what’s right even when fear is present. It’s about having faith in the teachings of the Bible, even when the path ahead seems difficult.

According to 1 Chronicles 28:20, “Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” This reassures us that we are never alone, even when our problems appear overwhelming.

Courage can mean standing up for what is right, even if we are the only ones doing so. It might involve avoiding situations that could lead us back into addiction. It’s challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Every day at the Shenandoah Valley Adult Teen Challenge, we witness individuals embodying true courage. They confront their addictions head-on, make the choice to improve their lives, and draw strength from their unwavering faith. This exemplifies genuine courage.

Courage in recovery is not solely reserved for grand acts of heroism. It also lies within the small, day-to-day decisions. Attending meetings, seeking help during tough times, saying no to temptations – each of these choices requires bravery.

Remember, being courageous does not mean being without fear. It means persevering even when fear is present. When we rely on Christ and the support of caring individuals, we can conquer any obstacle.

As we continue on this journey together, let us remind one another of the strength that courage provides. Let us encourage and support each other to keep moving forward, to maintain our trust in Jesus, and to believe that with His direction, we can overcome any challenge.

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