5 Ways To Cope With The Social Repercussions Of Drug Addiction

People with substance abuse disorders suffer in many ways. They endure failing health and disruptions in personal relationships. Often, they lose their jobs and struggle to make ends meet. Many who engage in the risky use of substances become homeless and are alienated from their families. Below, we explore 5 ways families can cope with the social repercussions of drug addiction.

What Are The Social Repercussions Of Drug Addiction?

People with addictive disorders often suffer grave social repercussions, such as:

  • reduced emotional functioning
  • loss of productive employment
  • physical maladies
  • divorce
  • marginalization from key relationships
  • suspension from group or work activities

How To Cope With The Social Repercussions Of Drug Addiction

So, how can those who suffer from addictive disorders cope with the social repercussions of drug addiction? Below, we share 5 of our best holistic solutions.

1. Find a Church That Fits Your Needs

Every church has a unique personality, and some are more supportive than others. You and your loved one may feel more comfortable in a church with informal, rather than traditional services. Choose one that offers support groups and a vibrant social life filled with book clubs and potlucks.

Call ahead or attend a Sunday service to see if it’s the right fit. More importantly, get involved. Give back to the community by volunteering with the church food pantry: doing good for others can help you and your loved one heal.

2. Write About Past Relationships

Writing is an act of mindfulness. It’s a great way to process negative emotions. Above all else, authentic writing is a crucial tool for identifying unhealthy coping strategies. Help your loved one form healthier relationships by looking objectively at past choices.


3. Set New Career Goals

People with addictive disorders often feel hopeless about the future, especially if they’ve lost their jobs. Help your loved one set fresh goals, explore new interests, and reminisce about past successes. Simultaneously, explore options such as going back to school. Nothing should be off the table. Start with small, actionable goals and take it from there.

4. Find Empowerment in Recovery

Recovering from addiction is undoubtedly a challenge. Every single step takes courage and faith. Find  empowerment in God and harness it. Remember Matthew 17:20: “Faith can move mountains.” Although it will take effort, nothing is impossible with faith.

5. Fill Your Loved One’s Heart With Positive, Not Negative Thoughts

Did you know that everyone has at least 80,000 thoughts a day? Health experts tell us that 80% of those thoughts are negative. People with addictive disorders particularly struggle with negative thoughts. Help them redirect their energy. When they say, “I’ll never get a job,” tell them “You don’t have a job now, but you will in the future.” Then, work with them to make it happen. Faith is crucial to success!

If you’d like more tips and support to cope with the social repercussions of drug addiction, contact us. Our practical and faith-based recovery programs are designed to promote healing and prevent relapses.

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